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slackr 3.3.1

CRAN release: 2023-02-26

  • Fixes a bug in slackr_history where the function fails to infer posted_from_time if not provided
  • Adds default message_count = 100 to slackr_history
  • Improves test coverage

slackr 3.3.0

CRAN release: 2023-02-20

User-facing changes:

  • ggslackr now relies on dots (...) to pass arguments through to ggsave
  • ggplot2 is now in suggests, so the user doesn’t need it installed to use slackr. ggslackr will prompt to install if it’s not already.
  • Fixes a “bug” with pagination in slackr_history causing an almost infinite loop
  • Fixes a bug in slackr_save where initial_comment would do nothing
  • Improves documentation of slackr_history to be more helpful in pointing the user to the Slack API docs

Backend changes:

  • Gets rid of default args in some un-exported functions to make tracking down bugs easier
  • Adds significant test coverage

slackr 3.2.2

  • Fixes a bug where specifying specifying duration had no effect in slackr_history() if posted_from_time was not specified also. linked issue

slackr 3.2.1

  • Fixes a bug where specifying a thread_ts or reply_broadcast in slackr did nothing

slackr 3.2.0

CRAN release: 2021-09-20

  • slackr and slackr_bot no longer rely on reprex, as prex_r would fail when an eval environment needed to be specified, but couldn’t.

slackr 3.1.1

  • slackr_ims bug fix.
  • Using usethis::use_pipe() to import magrittr’s pipe.

slackr 3.1.0

  • Allows ggslackr to post multiple file types
  • Fixes a bug in slackr and slackr_bot that led to garbled output

slackr 3.0.1

CRAN release: 2021-08-20

Fixes to a couple of bugs * Updated error handling for edge cases when you supply a username with a user token. * Removes references to purrr, since it’s GPL. * Updates the vignettes

slackr 3.0.0

CRAN release: 2021-08-07

Lots of breaking changes in this release: * bot_user_oauth_token has been removed entirely in favor of token * slackr_history now has message_count as it’s first argument * Adding the capability to pass the thread_ts parameter to all slackr_* functions (i.e. allowing you to reply to a message in a thread) * Adding reply_broadcast capability in slackr and slackr_msg * Adding title and initial_comment parameters for all functions relying on the files.upload endpoint (basically everything except for slackr, slackr_bot, slackr_msg, slackr_history, and slackr_delete) * slackr and slackr_bot now use reprex::prex() in the background, which means that they no longer throw errors the same way as they did before. slackr will try to be helpful in telling you what went wrong if your prex output contains an error (instead of posting), but it isn’t guaranteed to work all of the time. You can prevent this behavior by setting the SLACKR_ERRORS environment variable to "IGNORE".

Other changes: * Significant improvements to documentation, which now aligns with Slack API descriptions * Significant internal overhauls of how the functions call the API

slackr 2.4.1

CRAN release: 2021-07-06

  • Small bug fix for ggslackr

slackr 2.4.0

CRAN release: 2021-07-05

  • Deprecates the bot_user_oauth_token argument for slackr* functions in favor of token
  • Allows users to choose between a user token and a bot token
  • Uses withr::local_options(list(cli.num_colors = 1)) inside of slackr to fix garbled tibble printing. linked issue
  • Removes the channel, username and icon_emoji parameters for slackr_bot() which were deprecated in version 2.1.1 and have no effect
  • Removes the cacheChannels parameter for slackr_setup() which was deprecated in version 2.1.0
  • Removes hard-coded locale settings. linked issue
  • Small error handling improvements and other miscellaneous fixes

slackr 2.3.0

CRAN release: 2021-05-02

slackr 2.2.0

CRAN release: 2021-03-04

  • Gets rid of the usage of slackr_chtrans() in the vast majority of functions, significantly speeding up slackr_***() by limiting API requests

slackr 2.1.3

  • Fixes a memoise bug that was causing slackr_chtrans() to fail with memoise < 2.0.0
  • Fixes a bug in the implementation of slackr_census() that would cause slackr_census() to fail if the user was specifying a cache dir on the disk

slackr 2.1.2

  • Fixes the vignettes, so they knit again and are displayed on the pkgdown site

slackr 2.1.1

  • Changes a few badly-set function default channels to be Sys.getenv('SLACK_CHANNEL') instead of ''
  • Adds a more informative error message on slackr_upload() when the request returns not authed as per #137
  • Deprecates some arguments in slackr_bot() that no longer work (username, channel, icon emoji) that used to work with the old API structure

slackr 2.1.0

slackr 2.0.2

  • A few more bug fixes and sets up CI with GH Actions

slackr 2.0.1

CRAN release: 2021-01-19

  • Documentation and suggested fixes to common bugs

slackr 2.0.0

  • Fixes to work with new Slack API

slackr 1.5.0

  • TONS of improvements / additions
  • Fixes CRAN issues

slackr 1.4.3

slackr 1.4.2

CRAN release: 2016-07-20

  • Fixed bug introduced by new field names in Slack API
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.

slackr 1.4.1

CRAN release: 2016-04-27

  • There is a new slackr_msg() function which behaves slightly differently than text_slackr()
  • Versions 1.4+ BREAK THINGS.
  • Support has been removed for the “old style” incoming web hooks (see “Setup” in the README for the required incoming web hook URL format).
  • the incoming webhook “token” is no longer required or used.